Bottle holders and vases

These bottle holders and vases with a linear and modern design give a touch of class and originality to both homes and restaurants. The stoneart swiss bottle holders can be stored in a refrigerator without any addition of ice: the stone itself works as a coolant. A special and original gift in occasion of anniversary parties, celebrations and birthdays in the family.


Black Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 405
CHF 98.00
Product details


Black Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 404
CHF 129.00
Product details


Green Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 403
CHF 290.00
Product details

Bottle holder

Black Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 402
CHF 580.00
Product details

Bottle holder

Green Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 401
CHF 490.00
Product details

Bottle holder

Green Serpentine (Valposchiavo)
SKU. 400
CHF 580.00
Product details


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